Agriculture Division
This division responsibly sources all of it’s produce from smallholder farmers and cooperatives, and support the farmers to meet the requirements.
Center Farm provides a guaranteed off-take, thus ensuring financial security for smallholder farmers and cooperatives.
The key responsibilities of the Agriculture Division are as follows:
- To produce high quality agricultural planting material for sale to the farming community and the general public thereby contributing to improved food security.
- To expand and conserve germplasm collections of strategic crops of agricultural importance in live genebanks and /or cold storage, so as to ensure sustainability of the Agriculture Sector, for the benefit of both the present and future generations.
Sub-divisions of the Agriculture Division
The Agriculture Division is divided into two (2) sub-divisions:
- Horticulture Subdivision
- Crop Production Subdivision
Horticulture Sub-division
Major emphasis is placed on the production of cocoa plants, breadfruit and coffee as well as avocado, mango and minor fruits nursery plants.
We are responsible for the production of citrus nursery plants, mango, avocado, other minor fruit plants as well herbs and spices and selected ornamentals.
We propagate avocado, mango, minor fruit, bananas and coconut plants. Various tree crop types are maintained and conserved at all stations where particular emphasis is placed on the conservation of cocoa germplasm.
Crop Production Sub-division
The Crop Production sub-division comprises of one station, the National Seed Bank and is responsible for producing locally adapted, true seed material e.g. corn, cowpeas, okro, melon, pumpkin, tomato, pawpaw, hot pepper and other local vegetables. The National Seed Bank is also mandated to conserve germplasm collections of key strategic crops of agricultural importance under cold storage conditions. In addition, root crop planting material are also cultivated and sold at this station such as cassava and sweet potato.